A dining space with fluted paneled walls

DIY Guide: Installing Fluted Panels in Your Home

Fluted panels have become a popular trend in home décor, offering a natural wood accent that enhances the aesthetic appeal of any room. These panels are not only visually appealing but also relatively easy to install yourself. With the right tools and careful attention to detail, you can achieve a professional look without the professional cost. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you install fluted panels in your living room.

What Are Fluted Panels?

Fluted panels are decorative elements characterized by their vertical grooves or channels, known as flutes. These panels have been used in architecture for centuries, adding depth, texture, and a sense of movement to walls and other surfaces. Today, fluted panels are prized for their ability to create a sophisticated and contemporary look in modern homes. They are eco-friendly and suitable for various rooms, adding a touch of elegance and architectural interest.

Flat Panels Living Room Feature Wall

Tools and Materials You Will Need

Before you begin, gather the necessary tools and materials to ensure a smooth installation process:

  • Measuring tape or ruler
  • Cutter or saw
  • Marker or Sharpie
  • Bonding agent or construction adhesive
  • Caulking gun
  • Caulk or wood filler (matching panel color)
  • Ladder
  • Headless nails and air tacker (optional for extra support)

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. Measure and Plan

Accurate measurements are crucial for a successful installation. Measure the height and width of the wall where you plan to install the panels. Calculate the number of panels needed by dividing the wall length by the panel length. It is recommended to add an extra 10% to your measurement to account for any mistakes or adjustments.

Measure and Plan

2. Prepare the Panels

Inspect the panels for any imperfections like scratches or dents. Clean them thoroughly to remove any dust or debris.

  1. Prepare the Surface

Ensure the wall surface is clean, dry, and free from dust. Remove any wallpaper, wall plates, outlets, and moldings in the area. Fill and sand any holes or damaged areas, then wipe the surface with water mixed with a mild detergent. Let the wall dry completely before proceeding.

Prepare the Surface
  1. Cut and Mark the Panels

Carefully measure and cut the panels to fit the wall. Use a marker to draw cutouts for outlets, electrical boxes, or any other fixtures.

Cut and Mark the Panels
  1. Apply the Bonding Agent

Start by positioning the first panel in a corner. Apply the construction adhesive in ‘S’ shapes on the back of each panel. Avoid covering the entire back surface to prevent excess glue from oozing out. Press the panel against the wall, adding a screw or nail for extra support if needed.

Apply the Bonding Agent
  1. Install the Panels

Continue installing the remaining panels, using the first panel as a guide. Connect the panels using their interlocking grooves for a seamless look. Use additional adhesive or headless nails as necessary to secure each panel in place.

Install the Panels
  1. Finishing Touches and Cleanup

Allow time for the adhesive to set before touching or tampering with the panels. Once set, smooth out the edges and fill any gaps with caulk or wood filler. Wipe off any excess adhesive or caulk with a damp cloth.

Not into DIY or think it looks too challenging?

No worries! Vwalla has a dedicated in-house installation team trained by master carpenters, ready to assist with your Fluted Panel installation needs. Our team is equipped with top-notch tools and expertise to guide and install the materials for your next home improvement project. So, you can sit back, relax, and watch as our installers transform your vertical surfaces.

Vwalla installation Team

About Vwalla

At Vwalla (pronounced “voila”), we are dedicated to providing an all-inclusive solution for walls and ceilings that meets the highest standards. Established with a singular goal in mind, Vwalla offers residential and commercial spaces unparalleled quality in wall and ceiling coverings. Our extensive selection of claddings effortlessly elevates any vertical or overhead area, infusing it with elegance and vitality for a timeless aesthetic.

Superior in Quality

Vwalla’s products feature best-in-class materials and finishes, ensuring enduring surfaces designed to withstand the test of time. We prioritize both durability and aesthetics, incorporating realistic wood grains and premium textured finishes.

Fast Turnaround

Our expansive local warehouses store ready stock, eliminating long production or shipping lead times. Receive your goods as soon as the next day, ensuring you can start your project without delay.

One-Stop Solution

Save time, money, and hassle with our specialized in-house installation services. No need to search for separate installers or carpenters — Vwalla has you covered.

Widest Selection

Achieve the perfect look for any space with over 400 combinations of wall and ceiling cladding profiles and colors to choose from. Options include wood, solid, metallic, marble, and many more finishes.


By following these steps, you can transform your living room with stunning fluted wood panels, creating a sophisticated and inviting space. With Vwalla’s superior quality products, fast turnaround, and comprehensive services, your DIY project is bound to be a success. Ready to get started? Explore the best fluted panel options and more at Vwalla, and elevate your home décor today!